a development news-sharing from NAVA
Birthday !
A Gettogether was held at
the Swadhina Mainoffice in Kolkata on 30th
December 2014 to celebrate the 28th
Birthday of Swadhina. About 50 friends, patrons and members attended.
The small garden at the Mainoffice was decorated with streamers and
baloons which created a festive ambience befitting the birthday !
The children gathered started playing with the baloons as the
programme was about to begin. At the outset Ms. Supta Mukerji – the
Founder Treasurer narrated how Swadhina had a very humble beginning
when there was only a volunteer staff to manage the entire work of
the organisation. Founder Secretary Ms. Rina Sarkar shared sweet
memories of the early years. Then it was the turn of the present
Secretary Ms. Saswati Roy to narrate in brief the current activities
of Swadhina. A few patrons shared their greetings. At the end there
was a Fellowship Lunch which was an elaborate spread. Similar event
was also held at our village centre located at remote Bondih village in
Jharkhand where small children and local women volunteers shared the fruit
cakes sent from the Mainoffice.

Benasole Women's Camp
On 17th December 2014, a
camp on theme 'women's
was held at Benasole village near Ghatsila, East Singbhum District
in Jharkhand state. Around 50 women, mostly belonging, to tribal
families participated . The event was inaugurated by Ms Sukurmoni
Hembram – the local Panchayat Mukhiya by lighting a candle. At
the outset Ms Smriti Sarkar, President of Swadhina gave a short
speech on Swadhina activities in the state. It was followed by a
lively interactive session on women's empowerment.The discussion
was on'what are the visible changes one can expect when a woman is
socially empowered'. There were also discussions on various
government schemes which are targetted towards the social as well
as economic improvement of village women . The meet ended with a
vote of thanks offered by Ms Dipanwita Pal, one of the Programme
Co-ordinators, from Swadhina.
Women's Camp
A camp on the theme
women's empowerment was held at the Anganwadi premises of Somaydih
village in Mosaboni Block of East Singbhum district in Jharkhand
state. 45 village women participated in this camp held on 19th
December 2014. The meet was inaugurated by Salge Tudu, the oldest
person present at the event. The participants then together joined to
sing the song Hum Hongey Kamiyab (We shall over come) . In this camp
mostly women from Santhal tribe were present . An interesting feature
in this meet was a session on lives of successful Indian women,
conducted with the help of coloured large flash cards. Lives of
various women like Olympic boxer Mary Kom , first women
photo-journalist Homi Viarawalla , astronaut Kalpana Chawla and so
on fascinated the participants . Smriti Sarkar and Dipanwita Pal,
from Swadhina were the main resource persons for this meet.
Camp at Trenga
On 20th Dec 2014
Swadhina organized a camp on the theme 'women's
at the Trenga Panchayat community hall. The meet was inaugurated by
Ms Dulari Soren - Panchayat Mukhiya and Panmoni Kisku - Panchayat
ward member was the special guest. In her inaugural speech Ms Dulari
Soren stressed that government has ensured 50% seat reservation for
women but they are not very vocal on their rights in panchayat
public hearings (Aam sabha). It is important that women in large
numbers should attend these meetings and put forward demands for
their improvement . A detailed discussion followed on the theme. An
interesting feature in this meet was a quiz contest on different
social issues. Ms Dipanwita Pal explained about laws
benefiting women like Forest Act, Domestic Violance act and Women
Farmers entitlement.
Women's Camp
A women's camp on the
theme 'ensuring
land and property rights for women' was
held at Bhurudubani village near Betnoti in Mayurbhanj district of
Orissa on 3rd January 2015. 58 participants took part in this day-long women's awareness camp. Ms Chhanda Ghose, a program coordinator
of Swadhina Kolkata and Nirmala Sahu , state coordinator Orissa were the main resource persons for the event . Along with deep-rooted
discussion on the theme there were interesting group games and
various creative group exercises .

53 women participated in
a day-long women's awareness camp on the theme land and property
rights for women. This was held on 4th January 2015 and Ms Chhanda
Ghose and Ms Nirmala Sahu provided the thematic resources. Bank
Savings and Self Help Group for women were the two features of the
discussion along with group games and group songs
A one day awareness camp
for women's empowerment was held at Hasanpur village in Sonarpur
area of South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal. Held on 16th
January 2015 this camp was attended by 48 participants . Resource
persons Ms. Smriti Sarkar and Ms. Chhanda Ghose from Swadhina main
office, with the help of study papers, explained the various legal
rights especially related to land and property ensured by Indian
law . There were also group discussion on status of women today in
society and family. The camp came to a close with vote of thanks
offered by Sumona Mishra, a local Swadhina member
Right to Information
Dipanwita Pal represented Swadhina and presented a case study at the
workshop on Right to Information at Gopobandhu Institute for
Admistration , Bhubanaswhar . This was held on 19th January 2015
under the auspices of RTI department of Governmnet of India . The
case study of Swadhina, narrated with the help of a power-point
presentation, was very much appreciated by all the participants. The
organizers expected Swadhina to present such talks in future also at
other workshops organized by RTI department.
Land Rights
A workshop on land and
property rights for women was organized by Swadhina on 25th January
2015 on the eve of the Indian Republic Day. About 50 participants
from different interior villages around Ghatsila and Mosaboni
Blocks participated in this workshop held at the Ghatsila
Dhamarsala auditorium . Ms Saswati Roy, Secretary of Swadhina
presented the theme paper. A lively discussion followed. Several
panchayat dignitaries like Mukhyia and Ward members were present at
this workshop and the seconded the need for the taking up of
concrete steps to ensure women's empowerment and promised their
all out help for implementation of schemes made for the improvement
of position of women. Ms Supta Mukherji presented a brief talk on
Swadhina's activities in the state . The meeting came to close with
the participants singing together the Swadhina theme song : 'Manush
to ek din Jagbei'
(some day - masses will be awakened).
Training on Early
Childhood Education

– development
news-sharing brought out by: NAVA -Networking Alliance for Voluntary
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