Since inception, in 1986, the Environment Day has a special place in the life of Swadhina. Every year we observe this day in remote village areas with women leaders and children. This year too, we observed this day on June 5 in Jharkhand in four locations.
Here the programme was mainly for children. We have an Education Support Centre here where about 30 children come every day in the centre for strengthening their quest for school education, beyond school hours.

Thereafter they joined in a painting programme on environment- whatever they see around them.
Kanku, Patamdah, East Singbhum
At 12 noon the programme here started with a group song. Abount 20 membes of
Swadhina Village Women Group joined in the session. The discussion was mainly on use of plastics. Ms. Rupali Mahato, the Swadhina volunteer spoke on the subject. She felt that the use of plastic even in this remote area is on the increase at an alarming rate. She explained that plastic is one of the most known enemy of environment, as this does not get dissolved in the earth soil and hence remain buried for ages, thereby obstruct all forms of vegetation. This must be consciously stopped.
Swadhina Village Women Group joined in the session. The discussion was mainly on use of plastics. Ms. Rupali Mahato, the Swadhina volunteer spoke on the subject. She felt that the use of plastic even in this remote area is on the increase at an alarming rate. She explained that plastic is one of the most known enemy of environment, as this does not get dissolved in the earth soil and hence remain buried for ages, thereby obstruct all forms of vegetation. This must be consciously stopped.
Thereafter there was a lively session on “our gift from nature” a participatory session wherein each participant named a few fruits or vegetables as the gift of nature towards fulfilling our nutritional needs. Some of them also narrated about the various recipes with those vegetables which became very interesting for all participants.
Chirudih, Patamdah, East Singbhum
At 9 a.m. the programme started here. 20 children, belonging to the Education Support Centre gathered here to attend a ‘sit and draw’ contest on Environment. Their drawings of fruits, trees, flowers, vegetables, hills, rivers were very nice. After this the conductor of the programme Ms. Basumati Mahato, the Swadhina volunteer, explained to them that nature has given us many things which in fact are basic part of our environment. We should all make effort to preserve them. We must plant trees to save our environment. Each child should plant atleast one important tree near her or his home like papaya, mango etc.
Latiya, Mosaboni, East Singbhum
Here the programme was conducted by Ms. Papia Sharma. About 30 children gathered around 10 in the morning. At the outset they were told about environment. It was said that animals and birds we see around us are all part of our environment. We must respect. Many of the children get excitement by throwing stones at a dog, or a cat or a bird ! This should stop. We should remember that every time we do this we make an onslought on our environment. We should love dog, cat and bird. This the children liked very much and many have said that they have small cows, goats and they love them very much !
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